Thursday, October 30, 2014


1.) Go to
Go to Discussions. (If you don't see The Narcissist In All Of Us) Log out and log back in.
Read the directions and reply to 3 student.

2.) When done with replies. Please go and take the following Quiz, Click here to see how motivated you are... Please copy and paste your results into a word document and do a two paragraph reaction if you agree or disagree with the results.

Take your time and use your time wisely!!!

You will have time tomorrow to finish all of the activities from this week...

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Today in the library

1. Egoism/Altruism Test - click here to take the quiz
print out your results and write a paragraph as a reaction to the results...
2. Please read the following article and write a 3 paragraph (5 sentences per paragraph). PLease use the content from the article to support your opinion on the article. Also be prepared to discuss this article the last 15 minutes of class. Click here for the article.

3.Read the Columbian Article on Brandon C!

4.Vote for Brandon here!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Psychology Today article

Today you are going to take an I.Q. test- Click here for the link. Take your time...

Post your results to your word document from yesterday. Make sure to write a two paragraph reaction to whether or not you agree or disagree with the results. Also make sure to bring up any questions that you struggled with or found interesting.

After the completion of this read the article below:

Are selfies and smartphones the new comfort food?

When done write a two paragraph reaction on whether or not you agree or disagree with the results. Also make sure to bring up any questions that you struggled with or found interesting. And your personal experience with it.

Today you get to take a Gender Roles test...

Today you get to take a Gender Roles test...

Males click here to take your test.

Females click here to take your test.

At the completion of the test, Open a word document. Copy and paste your results in the document.
Then you are going to write up a response about 2 paragraphs 10 sentences on analyzing, agreeing or disagreeing with the test...

If you get done with the gender roles test, check out this anxiety test. This test connects to the article that we read in class from the today show.
Copy and paste your results into the word document.
Write a 5 sentence (1 paragraph reaction agreeing or disagreeing with the results)